I recently moved from New York to San Francisco and I've been relying exclusively on Craigslist to find apartment listings. In a place like SF - the birthplace of Craigslist - there is no more comprehensive site for apartments to rent. As a user, the comprehensiveness is what keeps me coming back, but the interface for Craigslist could be so much better with just a few small tweaks.
Here are just a couple of ideas to make the site better for renters:
- Allow users to create a page to save listings. There is no way of saving a listing other than bookmarking the page, which is extremely cumbersome when you want to save a lot of listings.
- Mapping! Housingmaps.com mashed up Craigslist listings with Google maps so a user can see where each listing is on a map. The only problem is that Housingmaps doesn't seem to be in synch with Craigslist. I see lots of listings on Craigslist that never make it to Housingmaps, which as a user who values comprehensiveness, is disturbing. Craigslist should either develop this functionality in house (which is not difficult) or buy Housingmaps for a few hundred thousand dollars.